Volunteer at The Johns Hopkins Hospital

At The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 我们的志愿者服务团队提供机会来改善推荐十大正规网赌平台和访客的体验. 无论是通过我们的动物辅助治疗项目提供情感支持, 帮助访客在医院导航或协助精神服务, 我们可以帮你找到一个符合你经验水平的志愿者机会.

Volunteering in Numbers

  • 104,782+

    Volunteer Hours

    served by our volunteers in 2019.

  • 1,500+


    contribute to our mission and vision every year.

  • 100+


    of making a difference in the lives of patients and visitors.

Important Notices


Why volunteer at The Johns Hopkins Hospital?

约翰霍普金斯医院和约翰霍普金斯大学医学院, founded in 1876 and 1893 respectively, 通过交叉教学,从根本上改变了医学的教学和实践方式, discovery and education. These institutions and their affiliates, known collectively as Johns Hopkins Medicine, continue setting the standard for patient care, medical education and research in a diverse, inclusive and intellectually exciting environment. 志愿服务部门通过提供安全和公平的志愿服务机会,努力维护这一使命. 快来加入我们忠诚、多元、热情的志愿者团队吧.

Volunteering: A Gift to Hopkins


Volunteer Opportunities

Animal-Assisted Therapy


Patient & Family Advisory Councils

由现在和以前的推荐十大正规网赌平台、家属和社区成员组成, patient and family advisory councils 致力于通过与以患者为中心的观点进行讨论来提高约翰霍普金斯医院的护理质量. 

Patient Navigation

患者导航志愿者通过提供方向直接与患者和护理伙伴互动, escorting quests through the hospital and giving tours. 

Patient Services

患者服务志愿者通过包括ART Cart乳腺癌在内的各种项目直接影响患者及其家属, Child Life Services, Cyber Sidekicks and emergency medicine.

Spiritual Care and NODA

Through these programs, chaplains, support staff members, NODA (No One Dies Alone) volunteers and other, 不同的志愿者为患者提供陪伴和精神支持.

Summer Junior Volunteer Program (SJVP)

约翰霍普金斯医院的这个项目允许高中生花六周时间在行政部门工作, lab or patient and family-centered care position.

Volunteer Requirements and How to Apply

Adult Volunteers

To volunteer at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 你必须年满18岁(预先安排的志愿者年满15岁). 志愿者必须承诺每周至少服务4小时(或至少100小时),服务时间不少于3个月.

All applicants must:

  • 提交一份在线志愿者申请,开始面试/选择过程.
  • 接受约翰霍普金斯职业健康服务中心关于肺结核检查和免疫接种(两次麻疹)的许可, mumps and rubella, two varicella, three hepatitis B, one Tdap or 5dTab, and a flu vaccine during the season) before volunteer service.
  • 完成在线培训,培训课程和保密协议.
  • Complete a background check if age 18 or over.
  • 亲自到医院做志愿者可获得志愿者徽章.
  • 如果在医院亲自做志愿者,请遵守约翰霍普金斯医院2020 -2021年的流感运动.
  • Provide documentation of COVID-19 vaccination

Apply here

Pre-placed Volunteers

15岁或15岁以上的青少年可以通过与约翰霍普金斯医院的特定部门或特定角色签订志愿者协议来预选志愿者职位. 他们必须承诺每周至少4小时(或至少100小时)的志愿服务,时间不少于3个月.

预选志愿者必须完成预选志愿申请,并提供其主管的电子邮件地址. The supervisor will be asked to approve or reject the applicant. If approved, the volunteer may begin the onboarding process.

Apply here

Animal-Assisted Therapy Volunteers

动物辅助疗法为我们的患者提供了临床环境中积极的人与动物互动和脆弱时期的情感支持. 我们的团队定期在约翰·霍普金斯医院对儿童和成人进行探视. With more than 15 volunteer therapy dog teams in service, 我们相信动物辅助疗法可以改善我们的推荐十大正规网赌平台、员工和家属的福祉.

Apply here

Volunteer Benefits

我们要感谢志愿者们为帮助推荐十大正规网赌平台和他们的家人所做的一切. 所有在与推荐十大正规网赌平台有直接接触或影响的领域(如社会工作或儿童生活服务)的志愿者,每4个多小时轮班,都有资格获得以下福利之一:

  • 免费停车在麦克尔德里,卡罗琳或华盛顿街车库
  • One meal card worth $8

请注意,以下三个车库中的任何一个都可以免费停车. 请将您的停车票带到卡内基173号志愿者服务办公室确认.

  • McElderry Garage (outpatient center garage)
    1501 McElderry St., Baltimore 21205
  • Caroline Garage (outpatient center circle next to the Armstrong Building)
    1501 E. Monument St., Baltimore 21205
  • Washington Street Garage (2024大楼旁边,公共卫生学院对面)
    701 N. Washington St., Baltimore 21205

Contact Us

Office Hours: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday– Friday

600 North Wolfe St.
Carnegie 173
Baltimore, MD 21287