
额颞叶痴呆和年轻发病痴呆临床研究涵盖了一系列与疾病机制和表现相关的主题, the costs and burdens of caring for sufferers, the quality of care and services, and the identification and development of effective treatments. 国家老龄研究所通过约翰霍普金斯阿尔茨海默病及相关疾病中心为我们的工作提供主要的财政支持, 我们与倡导组织和生物医学行业的伙伴关系提供了额外的资源和观点. Private foundations and individual donors also provide generous support for treatment and quality of care studies. We also collaborate with a variety of other university research programs.

Our current research studies focus on the following diseases:

Specific topics covered by our research include:

  • Disease manifestations and diagnostic methods
  • Clinical epidemiology (studies of risk factors and natural history)
  • Studies of neuropathologic, molecular, and genetic characteristics
  • Clinical trials and other treatment studies
  • Career burden and quality of care

Frontotemporal Dementias and Young-Onset Dementias


Principal investigator: Chiadi Onyike, M.D., M.H.S.
Research Program Administrator: Ann Fishman

这个多位点的主要目标是测量患有遗传性FTD的家庭成员血液中一种叫做神经丝轻链的蛋白质的水平. 神经丝轻链是一种在神经纤维中发现的蛋白质,当它们受损或死亡时就会释放出来. 据认为,这种蛋白质在血液中的水平可以作为一种生物标志物, or biological marker, 这可能能够提供有关FTD发病或进展的信息.

A research nurse will visit the participant’s home, office, or a place of choice approximately every three months for three years. During the visit, 研究护士将抽取并准备血液样本用于测量神经丝轻链. 该研究是ARTFL-LEFFTDS纵向FTD (ALLFTD)研究的辅助研究,必须是ALLFTD的参与者才能参加. More information about the study is available at the ALLFTD website.

410-502-5816 or  [email protected]

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
600 N. Wolfe Street, Suite 235
Baltimore, Maryland 21287


Principal Investigator: Chiadi Onyike, M.D., M.H.S.
Research Program Administrator: Ann Fishman

这项研究的主要目的是确定给FTD患者注射催产素是否有助于减少社交冷漠, indifference, and lack of empathy. 这些特征在FTD患者中很常见,对护理人员来说可能是负担, such as family and friends. Patients who have been diagnosed with FTD, display symptoms of moderate social apathy/indifference, 并且有人愿意作为研究伙伴可能符合这项研究的条件.

这项研究计划在加拿大和美国的医疗中心招募110名参与者. 参加这项试验的人将在18周内服用催产素或安慰剂. 在服用研究药物(或安慰剂)期间,将有5次诊所访问和2次电话。. 在四次访问中,参与者被要求在诊所吃饭,同时被拍摄. 关于这项研究的更多信息可以访问FOXY网站.

410-502-5816 or  [email protected]

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
600 N. Wolfe Street, Suite 235
Baltimore, Maryland 21287

A Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of AL001 in FTD (INFRONT-3)

Principal Investigator:  Chiadi Onyike, M.D., M.H.S.
Research Program Administrator: Ann Fishman

这项3期临床研究的主要目标是检查与安慰剂相比,AL001治疗后增加前颗粒蛋白水平是否会延迟症状的发作或减缓疾病进展. 参与者需要有确诊的颗粒蛋白前基因突变,并且要么被诊断为FTD,要么有发展为FTD症状的风险,并有生物标志物证明.

The study plans to enroll 180 participants at 80 centers globally. 研究药物(AL001或安慰剂)将每四周通过静脉(IV)输注给药. Assessments will include regular medical examinations, blood tests, brain imaging, and completion of questionnaires. AL001尚未获得FDA或世界上任何其他卫生当局的批准. 有关该研究的更多信息可访问INFRONT-3网站.

Contact: 410-502-5816 or  [email protected]

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
600 N. Wolfe Street, Suite 235
Baltimore, Maryland 21287


Principal Investigator: Chiadi Onyike, M.D., M.H.S.

我们对FTD神经生物学的理解的进步激发了人们对开发能够在整个疾病期间跟踪FTD亚型进展的措施的兴趣.  This study examines how cognitive, behavioral, and functional deterioration unfolds in FTD, 着眼于临床分期标志的识别和一种仪器的发展,可用于实践和研究跟踪疾病进展.  所有患有FTD并在诊所接受治疗的个体都有资格参加这项研究.

Contact: 410-955-5147 or [email protected]

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
600 N. Wolfe Street, Suite 235
Baltimore, Maryland 21287

Young-Onset Dementias

Longitudinal Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Study (LEADS)

Principal Investigator: Chiadi U. Onyike, M.D., M.H.S.
Research Program Administrator: Ann Fishman

这项研究探讨了早发性阿尔茨海默病的发展,并将其与更常见的晚发性阿尔茨海默病变体进行了比较. 主要目标是为未来的临床和研究用途开发敏感的临床和生物标志物措施.

该研究计划在美国大约15个地点招募并跟踪500名认知受损的参与者和100名认知正常的参与者,年龄在40-64岁之间. 参与者将进行包括医学和神经学检查在内的研究活动, cognitive testing, biofluid sample collection, and neuroimaging (MRI & PET scan) at the beginning of their involvement. 那些有记忆问题的人将在四年中每年重复这些活动, for a total of five visits; participants without memory problems will repeat the activities every year for two years, for a total of three visits. 年龄小于65岁的轻度认知障碍(MCI)或疑似由阿尔茨海默病引起的轻度严重痴呆症患者可能符合本研究的条件. For more information, visit the LEADS website.

Contact: 410-502-5816 or  [email protected]

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
600 N. Wolfe Street, Suite 235
Baltimore, Maryland 21287