Preceptor Bios


Monique Bonhomme, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS他是弗吉尼亚州北部的居民.  After receiving a bachelor of science degree she went on to earn her doctor of pharmacy and master of science.  随后,她完成了普通药房实习.  在完成她的住院医师实习期后. Bonhomme remained with the Inova Health System in a mainly decentralized clinical pharmacy role.  作为一名接受过肿瘤学培训的药剂师,她是肿瘤学工作组的成员, was selected as an interventional pharmacist and was the pharmacy-nursing liaison for the stroke unit.  后来,她接受了西布里纪念医院药剂科的一份全职工作.  她帮助实施和发展了药剂师管理的肠外营养服务, 目前担任导师和联合主席.  Dr. Bonhomme目前是住院医师项目主管, 内科轮岗教师, 居住项目顾问,并担任住宿教师导师. Dr. Bonhomme also holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and Creighton University. In addition, she has served as elected secretary, elected ASHP delegate, and four years as newsletter editor of the Washington Metropolitan Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Drug Information Preceptor

Christopher A. Keeys, Pharm.D., BCPS她是西布里纪念医院约翰霍普金斯医学院的临床药学协调员.此前曾担任住院医师项目主任. He is a drug information preceptor and president of the DC Drug Utilization Review Board / DC Medicaid program. 他是DC卫生部/ HAHSTA的顾问, BCBSA FEP-药房和医疗政策委员会, 以及URAC药房咨询小组. 他是临床药学协会和MedNovations的联合创始人兼总裁/首席执行官, 在霍华德大学药学院担任兼职教师, University of MD School of Pharmacy, and Creighton University. Dr. 基斯毕业于霍华德大学(Howard University), 药学)和费城药学院(药学博士). 他积极地在药物治疗领域发表演讲和出版物, pharmacy practice, pharmacy leadership, 提高临床质量与远程药学. 

Research Preceptor

John Grouse, R.Ph., J.D.他毕业于明尼苏达大学法律和药学专业. He completed a residency in public and health service and traineeship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. 他在各种环境中行医. 他曾担任药房主任、研究和肿瘤学专家.

Critical Care Preceptor

Michelle McLauglin, R.Ph., BCPS has served as a Clinical Pharmacist Specialist in Critical Care at Sibley for more than 15 years.  She received her Bachelors of Pharmacy degree from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science in 1995 and became a board certified pharmacotherapy specialist in 2010.  She has also completed specialty certification programs through ASHP in both Critical Care and Pain and Palliative Care.  In her current role she has been instrumental in the implementation and development of many critical care and hospital wide policies, protocols, and order sets.  She helped to implement and develop both the pharmacist managed warfarin protocol as well as the pharmacist managed parenteral nutrition protocol, 目前担任这两个项目的导师和联合负责人.  她在包括ICU在内的多个医院委员会任职, Code Blue, Palliative Care, Anticoagulation, and Parenteral Nutrition Committees.  Additionally, she serves as a hospice and palliative care consultant where she has established several pain and symptom management protocols and assists in the individual management of patients.  In her free time Michelle enjoys traveling, cycling and spending time with her family and two dogs.   

Geriatrics Preceptor

Shahnaz Milani, Pharm.D., a native of Tehran, Iran, 临床药学专家是否为患者服务过, 在西布里纪念医院的家庭和科室工作了20多年. Dr. 米拉尼有两个药学博士学位, one from Tehran University and the other from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy in Baltimore. Dr. Milani在老年和抗凝治疗方面获得认证. Since 1989, 她在西布里的各种场所提供药学服务, including, most recently, 作为文艺复兴医院的临床专家, 康复医学中心在哪里. Dr. Milani is a clinical associate professor for the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy. She precepts the geriatric rotation, is a mentor for the hospital’s anticoagulation program (a clinical program she co-leads that established pharmacist-managed warfarin therapy) and is a member of the Anticoagulation Forum.

Emergency Department Preceptor

Benjamin Miles, Pharm.D., BCPS, an Atlanta native, 搬到华盛顿后加入了西布里纪念医院的临床药学工作, D.C., in 2009. 他于2003年获得微生物学和生物学学士学位, 接着在2007年获得药学博士学位, 他们都来自雅典的佐治亚大学, Ga. 他在班戈的东缅因医疗中心完成了PGY-1实习, Maine, in 2008 where he also worked as a decentralized staff pharmacist for the year following his residency. Dr. Miles has served as a resident advisor and residency research advisor for Sibley’s pharmacy residency. He is a clinical associate professor at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy and precepts IPPE and APPE hospital rotations. 此外,他在药物治疗方面获得了委员会认证. 他的兴趣是急诊医学, critical care and internal medicine, 他是急诊科的临床专家.

Oncology Preceptor

Vahiede Nabavian, Pharm.D., 获得两个理学学士学位, 一个是化学专业,另一个是华盛顿霍华德大学的药学专业, D.C., during the mid-1980s. To further her education she returned to Howard University and obtained a doctor of pharmacy in 2005. She has been a member of the Sibley family since 2000 and has extensive clinical experience in a variety of practice settings — including intensive care, oncology and sterile preparation. Dr. Nabavian has presented locally and nationally on topics including intravenous immune globulin and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Continued learning and sharing her clinical knowledge are two things that Vahiede really enjoys about her clinical pharmacy position at Sibley. Dr. Nabavian热衷于提供能带来最佳结果的服务. 她未来的目标包括获得委员会认证的肿瘤药剂师的荣誉.

Hematology/Oncology Preceptor

Esther R. Ahn, Pharm.D., BCOP毕业于太平洋大学托马斯J. Long School of Pharmacy in 2007. She completed a PGY1 pharmacy practice residency at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, 并继续在凯撒永久医疗机构担任门诊护理药剂师.  在作为门诊护理药剂师工作了大约3年后,Dr. Ahn discovered her passion for oncology and went on the complete her PGY2 in hematology/oncology in 2012 from the University of California San Diego Health System which is a National Cancer Institute designated cancer center.  在完成她的PGY2血液学/肿瘤学住院医师后,Dr. Ahn took on a clinical and administrative role as an clinical oncology pharmacist and helped establish and implement pharmacy services to two newly acquired infusion centers.  她目前在西布里纪念医院工作. Ahn is the clinical staff pharmacist specialist for the newly established hematologic malignancy service.   She co-chairs the oncology practice council at Sibley and is a project lead for one of Sibley's fiscal year 2019 quality projects pertaining to inpatient chemotherapy. 

Management/Administrative Preceptor

JoAnn Neufer, B.S., R.Ph.是西布里纪念医院的药房主任. 她是马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州和华盛顿特区的执业药剂师.C. who received her bachelor of science in pharmacy from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. She began her career at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1980 and has spent the majority of the ensuing years practicing hospital pharmacy in the D.C. 专注于质量改进、静脉输液服务和患者安全. She expanded her career focus in 1990 to become a clinical pharmacist specializing in obstetrical pharmacy with Tokos Clinical Services, 为高危产科患者提供家庭护理服务. 在那个职位上,她为早产患者提供药物护理, 还有呕吐的推荐十大正规网赌平台, 妊娠期高凝并发症及产前产后感染. During her years in home care, her role expanded to include a leadership focus as she was given responsibility for overseeing all pharmacy services provided for the northeast quarter of the United States, 包括联合委员会对她所在区域所有场址的成功认可. 1997年,她回到医院药房工作, 在Inova Loudoun医院担任领导职务, where she remained as director of pharmacy until arriving at Sibley Memorial Hospital in November of 2010.

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