

NPPA professions continue to be ranked among the fastest growing career opportunities, and the Johns Hopkins Bayview Nurse Practioner/Physician Assistant (NPPA) Fellowship in 医院医学 is a unique program designed to provide the training necessary for nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) to become successful inpatient clinicians. NPPA fellows benefit from an intense clinical experience working with Hopkins hospitalist faculty members in a supportive team setting. Fellows evaluate and manage patients working 1-to-1 with experienced hospitalist faculty members. 通过这次交流, Johns Hopkins Bayview aims to develop in each fellow the skills, knowledge and competencies necessary to excel in the field of hospital medicine.


NP/PA Fellowship Program at the Johns Hopkins Division of 医院医学


The fellowship program is overseen by top faculty of the Johns Hopkins University 医学院 and by experienced NPPA leaders at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. The program leadership oversees the structure and administration of the program and provides constant support and mentorship to ensure the success of the fellows.



  • 导演, Division of 医院医学 at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
  • 医学副教授


Christina Lackner- NPPA奖学金




在为期12个月的奖学金期间, the fellow will have a 1-to-1 preceptorship with Hopkins hospitalist faculty, 这将有助于这个家伙:

  • Develop a knowledge base of disease processes for which patients are hospitalized
  • Develop differential diagnosis and treatment plans to provide evidence based and cost effective patient care
  • 提供高质量的推荐十大正规网赌平台护理,同时改善推荐十大正规网赌平台的治疗效果
  • Gain clinical experience in a team environment with direct on-site supervision
  • Manage patient care through the entire hospital stay including admission, daily rounds and discharge
  • Improve communication skills with patients, families, providers and multidisciplinary staff members


All NPPA fellows will attend the Adult 医院医学 Boot Camp. 由SHM和美国执业医师学会(AAPA)赞助, 新兵训练营对参加者有以下目标:

  • Learn the most current evidence-based clinical practice for key topics in hospital medicine
  • Augment their knowledge base to enhance their hospital medicine practice
  • Expand their knowledge to transition into hospital medicine practice
  • 与志同道合的从业者建立联系


NP / PA计划

Weekly conferences on clinical conditions from the SHM core competencies will be presented. 主题包括但不限于:急性肾损伤, 酒精/停药, 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD), 心脏衰竭, 疼痛管理, 脓毒症, 中风和静脉血栓栓塞.


Periodically throughout the fellowship, procedural education content will be presented. Topics include but are not limited to: electrocardiogram (EKG) interpretation and telemetry monitoring, 胸片解释, 腰椎穿刺和血管通路.


All NPPA fellows will attend a four hour interactive course on building effective communication skills with patients, 职员及同事. 会议期间, the fellows will spend time with peers learning about communication techniques that emphasize: partnership, 同理心, 确认, 尊重, 合法化和支持(珍珠).

时间 活动
第一天 行政管理方向
第1个月期间 研究员参加医院医学新兵训练营:
前6-8周 临床实习. 和医生一起. 患者帽从基线10缓慢上升到13.
40周 研究员与照顾推荐十大正规网赌平台的医生一起工作. 研究员协助:
  • 在所有推荐十大正规网赌平台面前第一个回答护士的问题
  • 移交推荐十大正规网赌平台
  • 完成身体检查
  • 填写记录(入院、进展及出院)
  • 订单输入
  • 获取和跟进咨询
  • 安排家庭会议
  • 在多维回合中展示
  • 招生
  • 排放
  • 与初级保健医生和其他提供者沟通
  • 进行药物调解
  • 解释实验,图像和程序
一周一次 The fellow attends weekly didactics provided by the Department of Medicine.

The fellow receives training in procedures (POCUS, LPs, lines, suprapubic cath/foley management).

The fellow will meet with physician and APP mentors to review educational goals and evaluation results.



在顺利完成奖学金后, the fellow will receive certificate of completion from Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center specifically stating the fellow graduate received training in hospital medicine.



"The PA fellowship was a strong jump start to a successful career in hospital medicine. 来自PA学校, I did not feel I had the skill set or experience to manage a full panel of patients on my own. 每天与医生一起工作, I learned how to manage patients and work closely with the multidisciplinary team in an efficient and effective manner. Working with in excess of 20 different attendings enabled me to pick up nuances and techniques to choose the best strategies for improving patient care. 当我被“提升”为独立执业医师时, 我立即投入工作, 准备好应对任何抛向我的东西."


"Working side by side with a physician has increased my knowledge exponentially, 总有人来解释, 澄清并提出建议. 这是挑战和支持的完美结合.

每周的讲座都很棒, reviewing topics and discussing cases we've seen is really helpful."


"I feel totally supported and that I’m in a safe environment to learn medicine. Starting our careers as new grad PA’s is intimidating and a bit scary and I could not be more happy to be in a program that cares so much about educating and supporting us to foster learning and success for our new careers. Also the doctors are so nice and legitimately seem to enjoy teaching us and watching us progress. The hospital staff is friendly and helpful and is always willing to lend a hand if they can help."



申请人可以给Christina Lackner发邮件 (电子邮件保护) 附下列资料:

  • 全名(名,尾)
  • 个人陈述
  • 当前简历
  • 两到三封推荐信
    • 你的医师助理项目主任写的一封信, 总统, 学生事务主任或院长
    • One or two letters from physician(s) who supervised you directly within the last 12 months