Swallowing illustration
Swallowing illustration
Swallowing illustration

Esophageal Manometry

If the muscles in your esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth with the stomach, don’t function properly, 你的医生可能会建议食道测压来检查为什么会发生这种情况.

What is esophageal manometry?

食道测压是一项检查食道肌肉协调运动(运动性)的测试. 该测试使用一种狭窄、灵活、压力敏感的导管. 导管测量食道肌肉和食道上下部分的瓣膜所产生的压力. These valves, called the upper and lower esophageal sphincters, control how food enters and exits the esophagus.

High Resolution Esophageal Manometry

高分辨率食道测压仪是一种测试,它使用的导管比传统的导管有更多的传感器. The sensors are also closer together. 更多的传感器意味着高分辨率食管测压仪可以收集更多的数据,并且比传统方法收集数据的速度更快.

Who may need esophageal manometry?

食道测压是用来检查食道肌肉是否工作正常. When the muscles don’t work as they should, you may experience symptoms such as heartburn, trouble or pain when swallowing, 胸痛和反流(吞咽后食物倒流). 食道测压有助于确定引起这些症状的原因, which could be conditions such as:

  • Achalasia (食道肌肉不能帮助食物下移,也不能阻止食物进入胃部)
  • 弥漫性食管痉挛(食道肌肉随机收缩,干扰吞咽)
  • Scleroderma (一种罕见的疾病,可能导致部分食道肌肉停止运动)


Esophageal Manometry with Impedance

Esophageal manometry can also be used before an esophageal pH (impedance) test, which helps diagnose gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 这些测试结合起来称为食管阻抗测压法. 酸碱度试验测量食道中酸和其他消化液的存在. 测压有助于确定在食道中放置pH探头的位置.

Esophageal Manometry Versus a Barium Swallow

Both esophageal manometry and barium swallow studies are used to evaluate trouble swallowing and related symptoms. 吞钡是指喝含钡的浓溶液, which is a contrast agent — it shows up on an X-ray. It can help spot abnormally wide or narrow areas of the esophagus, as well as abnormalities in the anatomy, which esophageal manometry doesn’t do.

测压测试是在吞咽时检测食道肌肉的压力和收缩. 它可以检测整个食道的肌肉活动模式, including contractions that are too weak or too powerful. 吞钡试验不能测量肌肉收缩的强度.


Preparing for Esophageal Manometry

你的胃肠科医生会在手术前提供具体的指导. 通常情况下,在测试前至少6小时内必须避免进食和饮水. 一定要告诉你的医生你服用的任何药物和补充剂. 你的医生会告诉你是否需要在食道测压前一天或当天改变服用的时间和方式. (如果你有糖尿病,不吃早餐可能会影响你对药物的需求.)

What happens during esophageal manometry?

食道测压通常是门诊手术,这意味着你可以当天回家. 该测试持续约30-45分钟,可由执业护士或其他训练有素的卫生保健提供者执行.

During an esophageal manometry:

  1. 你笔直地坐着,护士在你的一个鼻孔上涂上麻醉凝胶,在你的喉咙后面喷上麻醉喷雾.
  2. 当你吞咽时,护士将一根狭窄的导管穿过麻木的鼻孔进入喉咙. 当你继续吞咽时,导管会通过食道, until it reaches the stomach. 随着导尿管的推进,你的眼睛可能会流泪,你可能会呕吐,但你应该不会感到疼痛.
  3. 一旦导管就位,桌子就会倾斜,这样你就可以仰卧了. You will be able to breathe and talk.
  4. 要进行基准压力读数,您将被要求在30秒内不要吞咽.
  5. 您将按照指示每隔一段时间啜饮不同量的水. At one point, you may be asked to gulp water as fast as you can. If you are having esophageal manometry with impedance, 你会啜饮盐水而不是水来帮助测量pH值. You may be asked to sit up during parts of the test.
  6. If you have trouble swallowing certain foods, 护士可能会让你在检查时吞下它们,看看哪里出了问题.
  7. 导管上的压力传感器可以测量吞咽时食道肌肉的收缩和放松情况. 传感器将信息发送到电脑,电脑记录下你的吞咽模式,供医生分析. 护士可以缓慢移动导管来测量食道不同部位的压力.
  8. When the test is over, the catheter will be removed slowly. 您可以在测试后立即恢复正常活动.
Patient setup and technique of manometry

Esophageal Manometry Test Results

A few days after the procedure, 你的医生会与你联系,讨论检查结果以及食道肌肉功能. 解读食道测压结果需要专业技能, 有时结果并不能明确指出症状的原因. A normal esophageal manometry may call for more diagnostic tests.

Risks and Side Effects of Esophageal Manometry

Esophageal manometry is generally a safe procedure. Serious problems are extremely rare, but include:

  • Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • Aspiration (inhalation of stomach contents)
  • Esophagus perforation (the tube penetrates the wall)
  • While the tube is being positioned, it may enter the larynx (voice box) and cause a choking sensation, 你的运动护士会马上通过调整导管来解决这个问题.

After the procedure, you may experience:

  • 喉咙痛,可以用非处方咽喉含片缓解
  • Temporary congestion in your nose
  • Minor nosebleed

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