住院推荐十大正规网赌平台 & 门诊手术

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital provides inpatient and outpatient surgery for infants, 儿童和青少年.

Our team provides surgical care for both general and specialized conditions, including 胸壁畸形肿瘤, 食管和气道问题和疝气.

准备手术对一个家庭来说压力很大, but knowing what to expect can help put you and your child at ease. Here’s what you need to know to help you prepare for a stay that is as comfortable and safe as possible.


It is important to prepare your child for surgery by following these guidelines: Two weeks before surgery, make sure your child is getting plenty of rest and eating healthy food. Call your doctor if your child develops a fever, cough, rash or runny nose. 即使是轻微的疾病也会在手术过程中引起问题.

The day before surgery, a pre-admission nurse will call you by 4 p.m. to let you know when to arrive and check in at registration. 如果你在下午四点前没有接到电话.m.,叫 727-767-8431 尽快.

View our video (available in both 英语 and 西班牙语 using the links below) on preparing your child for surgery.



Our MyChart patient portal will help you communicate with your care team before, 在手术当天, 及以后. 请 访问我们的MyChart页面并注册 在手术当天之前.


Make sure you understand our “nothing by mouth” guidelines (NPO) before surgery:

  • 手术前午夜: 不要吃任何固体食物,包括糖果、口香糖和薄荷糖.
  • 术前6小时: Stop infant formula or milk for children less than 2 years of age.
  • 术前4小时: 停止母乳喂养.
  • 术前3小时: Stop clear liquids, including water, clear apple juice, Pedialyte, popsicles, gelatin, soda.

如果你的孩子 is on tube feedings, please refer to instructions from the pre-admission nurse.

The most important thing to remember is to make sure your child  吃或喝任何离手术太近的东西. Not having an empty stomach when receiving anesthesia may result in complications. 如果你的孩子  手术当天有什么吃的或喝的吗, 或者没有遵循NPO的指导方针, 马上打电话通知术前小组 727-767-4128.


Be prepared the day of surgery by knowing what to bring, where to park and where to check in.


When the procedure is over, the doctor will meet with you to discuss care at home. 这是提问的最佳时机.


After you see the surgeon, you can get your child’s prescriptions filled at our 零售药店 在医院的一楼,经过礼品店就到了.