
Our research faculty are committed to discovering new and innovative ways to improving the lives of patients with low vision and to improving their vision rehabilitation outcomes.

更多信息,请访问 ultra-low vision lab.


Dr. Judith Goldstein has spent much of her research career improving the accuracy and precision in measuring visual ability function in patients with low vision. 视觉能力是一个潜在变量,因此, difficult to measure, 使各种干预措施的比较临床研究成问题. Her research has involved developing a network of physicians to build consensus around a measure and leading the network in a study of changes in visual ability in a large sample of patients across the U.S. Subsequently, Dr. Goldstein collaborated with scientists and mathematicians to calibrate visual function questionnaires to minimize the error observed in measuring patient reported outcomes (PRO’s) in retina diseases and low vision. Currently Dr. Goldstein正在与NEI合作,在与年龄相关的眼病研究中检测PRO.

Dr. Dominic Brown, Dr. Belinda Weinberg, Dr. 朱迪思·戈尔茨坦博士. Chris Bradley正在研究开发一种提取方法的可行性, interpret, 分析推荐十大正规网赌平台的功能病史数据, 并对规范数据记录提出建议. 

Kristen Shifflett, OTR/L, CLVT is studying ways to improve the rehabilitation process for people with vision impairment using a multi-disciplinary team approach.

Healthcare delivery

More recently, Dr. Goldstein’s work has focused on health care delivery and implementation science — how do we improve connecting patients to low vision care. As few are aware of the availability of services to improve function in the setting of chronic vision loss, it is often the recommendation by the managing ophthalmologist to refer for care; given the high patient volume in ophthalmology care and focus on disease management, 不幸的是,转诊康复常常被忽视. Dr. Goldstein and her team developed and piloted the first clinical decision support system in ophthalmology relying on user-centered design and an alert in the health record. This quality improvement work identified several factors predict utilization and connection to low vision services, 包括电子健康记录中的活动警报, endorsement by the referring ophthalmologist to seek care and rehabilitation service provision at the same location where the patient receives their medical eyecare. 这项工作的下一步是在全国范围内扩大和研究临床决策支持的效果.


Presently Dr. Goldstein is collaborating with other researchers at the Lions Vision Center to build a 3-D system and examine scan paths in patients with central and peripheral vision loss. 目的是为了更好地了解训练眼球运动是否能增强视觉功能, 包括阅读和整体观看.

Dr. Chris Bradley is developing improved methods for detecting visual field loss and measuring disease severity by testing different statistical approaches on over half a million visual fields stored in the Wilmer Eye Institute database.

"Odd-one-out" task used to collect scan patterns in patients with visual field loss due to stroke while they look for the mismatched object between the left and right sets.
"Odd-one-out" task used to collect scan patterns in patients with visual field loss due to stroke while they look for the mismatched object between the left and right sets.

rbb - lcif偏盲研究大脑后动脉中风的推荐十大正规网赌平台, 或者类似的大脑一侧视觉皮层供血不足, 可能会患上偏视, 在这种情况下,视野的左半边或右半边突然失明. 而他们的视野在另一半领域, 这就是他们的核心细节视觉, 可能完全没问题, they will experience great difficulty finding objects and avoiding obstacles or approaching persons or vehicles in the blind hemifield. 一些患者通过头部和眼睛的有效扫描来克服这种障碍, 不用付出很大努力就能学会保持警惕. Others, however, 仍然受损,似乎无法恢复正常功能, 即使在低视力康复的帮助下. 我们的假设是后者未能获得有效的扫描模式. Sponsored by an award from Research to Prevent Blindness and the Lions Clubs International Foundation, and with the help of Hopkins physicians referring patients and the Low Vision Clinic team providing clinical assessment and rehabilitation, Dr. Gislin Dagnelie和他的团队正在研究偏视患者的扫描模式, 在他们中风后不久以及康复过程中. Study participants’ eye and head movements are recorded while they perform a series of tests in virtual reality, 使用专门的头戴式显示器,内置跟踪功能.

Ultra-Low Vision Lab

Sample image with three different camera modes for the Argus II system - normal Argus II camera (left), 立体摄像机(中间), 还有一个热成像摄像机(右).
Sample image with three different camera modes for the Argus II system - normal Argus II camera (left),立体摄像机(中间), 还有一个热成像摄像机(右).

Argus II型视网膜假体; Argus II是美国唯一获得FDA批准的视网膜植入物. 全球已有300多名色素性视网膜炎患者接受了植入. 尽管阿古斯2号已经不再商业化生产了, 我们继续与业界(MinnHealth和Advanced Medical Electronics)合作, 和学术合作伙伴(约翰霍普金斯应用物理实验室), Columbia, MD) to develop cutting-edge technology and research such as evaluating the efficacy of an AI-based object finder device, image enhancement using stereo and thermal filters and development of a Spatial Localization and Mapping (SLAM) device that can enhance performance for Argus II users.


Normally sighted subject performing a phosphene mapping test under simulated conditions presented in an HTC VIVE Headset.
Normally sighted subject performing a phosphene mapping test under simulated conditions presented in an HTC VIVE Headset.

皮质内视觉假体(ICVP): Dr. Gislin Dagnelie is a co-investigator in the ongoing Intracortical Visual Prosthesis study that is funded by the NIH BRAIN Initiative. 这项研究是在芝加哥伊利诺斯理工学院的多个中心进行的, 拉什大学医疗中心和芝加哥灯塔. 第一位患者于2022年初植入皮质假体. Dagnelie的团队正在用ICVP系统开发心理物理测试软件. 这包括对单个电极的直接刺激和阈值测试, 磷光映射和激活相机模式的现实世界中使用的设备.


超低视力工具包: 除了上面提到的视力恢复疗法, there are many other therapies that are under development or in various stages of clinical trials such as stem cell, optogenetic, and gene therapy. These studies recruit people in advanced stages of an eye disease who are blind or have limited vision (ultra-low vision or ULV; seeing light, 运动和/或原始形状, but no details), 甚至恢复的视力也可能仅限于超低紫外线. Our research aims to understand performance of daily activities with ULV and whether there are ways to improve performance of visually-guided activities. Dr. Dagnelie与BaltiVirtual Inc .合作., 在NEI的资助下, has designed and developed a toolkit that can be used for assessing visual performance in people with ULV. Dr. Arathy Kartha, 实验室的博士后研究员, is incorporating these tests in the development of a multisensory training program for people with ULV, 由NEI独立之路奖资助.

ULV工具包中的样本图像用于评估视觉信息收集(WILMER VRI)
2. 在三种不同程度的背景照明下,桌子上点燃的蜡烛的视图.少了一个盘子的餐具,在桌面上以三种对比度呈现.
3. 少了一个盘子的餐具,在桌面上以三种对比度呈现.


参与者执行手眼协调任务的视频, 戴着HTC VIVE耳机和LeapMotion传感器来追踪他的手在太空中的位置.


寻路任务的数据可视化, where participants' movements and gaze are visualized as they navigate a metro station to board a train.