

如果你患有慢性疼痛, chances are your physician will refer you to a pain center that offers a wide variety of services to help you live a more pain-free life.

The 西布里纪念医院 Pain Center provides the latest in minimally invasive treatment options for relieving pain associated with everything from sports injuries to chronic arthritis. 疼痛管理领域充满了新的东西, minimally invasive pain treatment modalities that are replacing oral narcotics as the standard of care, 为患者提供更多的疼痛管理选择. The Pain Center’s staff focuses on pain treatment and has a wide range of tools to tailor pain treatments to the many causes of chronic pain. Sibley’s specialists have brought a hugely improved quality of life to many people who have been dealing with persistent pain for years.


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  • 把贵重物品或珠宝留在家里
  • 带上你的保险卡和带照片的身份证

对于我们的许多程序,你需要安排回家的交通工具. Your physician will let you know if you will be able to drive home when you discuss the procedure.

大多数主要的保险计划都包括止痛药服务. 但保险政策各不相同,所以请与您的保险公司核实.



  • 椎间盘退行性疾病
  • 神经根病
  • 颈椎和腰椎劳损
  • 方面的疾病
  • 对象的痛苦


  • 复杂区域性疼痛综合征(又称反射性交感神经营养不良)
  • 周围或糖尿病性神经病变
  • 幻肢疼痛/截肢后疼痛
  • 与艾滋病毒相关的疼痛
  • 周围神经损伤
  • 中风或脊髓损伤后的中枢性疼痛综合征
  • 疱疹后神经痛和带状疱疹
  • 头痛(枕神经痛、偏头痛、紧张性头痛、丛集性头痛)
  • 面部疼痛-颞下颌关节,神经瘤(创伤),非典型面部疼痛
  • 肌肉骨骼疼痛
  • 肌筋膜疼痛综合征
  • 胸壁痛
  • 梨状肌综合症
  • 关节炎和关节疼痛


  • 腹部或骨盆疼痛
  • Whiplash-associated障碍
  • 癌性疼痛:治疗包括鞘内泵(由患者植入和控制)
  • 骶髂关节疼痛


在西布里,我们提供一套全面的方法来提高你的生活质量. Care begins with a comprehensive evaluation of each patient to determine the best treatment possible, 这可能包括转介给其他专家. 最终的结果是针对您的特定情况制定个性化的计划, 以及与正确提供者的连接, 他们是否专攻神经外科, 骨科手术, 神经学, 物理治疗, 职业治疗或心理服务.

因为疼痛有很多种,所以治疗的方法也有很多种. 理想情况下,疼痛的原因得到了治疗, but when the cause is not immediately treatable a pain management team may use a number of other methods.

  • 物理方法, 比如理疗和按摩, 可以用来强健身体,减轻患处神经的压力吗.
  • 介入手术 are used to disrupt or alter the transmission of pain in the body; common methods include nerve blocks, 小关节注射和神经刺激.
  • 心理的方法 involve teaching coping techniques that allow a person with persistent pain to process and reduce the effects of pain.
  • 药物 range from over-the-counter non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetaminophen to extremely powerful opiate painkillers; due to the possibility of addiction and potential side effects, 药物必须由团队仔细管理.


  • 适当的检查(MRI, CAT扫描)
  • 综合评价(医疗), 康复, 心理, 功能能力/职业评估, 残疾的决心)
  • 特殊研究(诊断性神经阻滞)
  • 医疗和药物管理
  • 麻醉相关治疗(神经阻滞注射治疗), 脊柱内的注入, 射频neuroablation, myofacial注射)
  • 经皮神经电刺激(TENS)
  • 转介进行物理和职业治疗, 心理咨询, 放松和压力管理训练和针灸
