Skip Viragh门诊大楼

The Skip Viragh Outpatient Cancer Center represents the future of cancer medicine, a clinical enterprise that is second to none and the culmination of more than five years of planning. More than 200 patients each day  will visit the building in a system that honors the spirit, dedication and vision of Skip Viragh who sought to ensure that all cancer patients had access to the best of care. With an increasing amount of cancer care provided in the outpatient setting, 预计未来十年还会增长, this building is the new hub of our cancer services and clinical research and is the embodiment of team science and precision medicine, removing all barriers to attacking cancer and bringing the very best treatment plan and supportive care to each patient. 


Skip Viragh癌症门诊大楼
201 N. 百老汇
就在温伯格大厦南面一个街区. 在谷歌地图中打开


查看 校园地图 有关此位置的详细信息.


The Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer's Skip Viragh Outpatient Cancer building brings all the services for your cancer care and treatment together in one place.

跳过Viragh Building FAQ

Skip Viragh癌症门诊大楼




开车进入北百老汇201号的正门. There is a patient drop-off area at the front doorway with comfortable seating in the lobby. 停车场的入口 奥尔良街车库 就在正前方. You will find designated parking for Viragh patients on this level with additional parking throughout the garage.

You can also enter the 奥尔良街车库 from Orleans Street (directly opposite the Main Hospital entrance) and enter the Viragh Building from the 4th 车库地板. 请注意,此地点不提供代客泊车服务.

如果你选择把车停在温伯格大厦的车库, 您可以乘坐班车前往维拉大厦. Our staff at the 温伯格建筑 information desk will be happy to assist you.


扎耶德大楼的人行天桥连接到4号th 奥尔良街车库的一层.A striped walkway through the garage will connect you to the Viragh Building Main level. Staff in the Viragh Building will be able to direct you to the exact location of your appointment. 一旦你到了维拉大厦, staff will be available to direct you to the exact location of your appointment.



  • 乳腺癌和妇科癌症诊所:10th 地板上
  • 乳腺健康创新中心:10th 地板上
  • 咖啡厅:10th 地板上
  • 登记(新推荐十大正规网赌平台):一楼
  • 登记亭(复诊推荐十大正规网赌平台):一楼及主楼
  • 礼宾员:一楼

  • 客用电脑:5台th 地板上
  • 图像恢复中心:一楼
  • 成像/放射学:4th 地板上
  • 注入:6th 地板上
  • 肿瘤内科门诊:5th 地板上

  • 冥想室:主楼
  • 新患者访问量/多学科诊所:5th 地板上
  • 乳头纹身室:10th 地板上
  • 推荐十大正规网赌平台和家属服务:主楼
  • 停车场预付费机:主楼
  • 药房:一楼

  • 放血:一楼
  • 物理治疗:10th 地板上
  • 安德玛乳房健康创新中心:10th 地板上
  • 停车场入口:地下和主层
  • 自动售货机:一楼和五楼th 地板上