Lung Scan


A lung scan is an imaging test to look at your lungs and help diagnose certain lung problems. 肺部扫描也可以用来观察治疗效果如何.

肺扫描是一种核成像检查. This means that a tiny amount of a radioactive matter is used during the scan. 这种被称为示踪剂的放射性物质会发出伽马射线. These rays are picked up by the scanner to make a picture of your lungs.

肺部扫描可以是通气扫描或灌注扫描. 通风扫描观察空气是如何进出肺部的. In particular, it looks at how air moves through the bronchi and bronchioles within your lungs. 灌注扫描检查的是血液在肺部的流动情况.

In a perfusion scan, the radioactive tracer is absorbed evenly where blood flow is normal. 没有血液的部位不会吸收示踪剂. 在通风扫描中, the tracer will fill the lungs unless you have an area where the air can't move.

The areas of the lungs where the radioactive tracer collects in greater amounts are called “hot spots.” The areas that don't absorb the tracer and appear less bright on the scan image are referred to as “cold spots.”

Lung scans are most often used to diagnose and find blood clots or other small masses called 肺部有栓子. But your healthcare provider may also use the scan to help diagnose other lung conditions.

Other related procedures that may be used to diagnose problems of the lungs and respiratory tract include bronchoscopy胸部计算机断层扫描(CT扫描)胸部透视chest X-raychest ultrasoundlung biopsy, bronchography, mediastinoscopyoximetry峰值流量测量正电子发射断层扫描(PET)pleural biopsy肺血管造影肺功能检查, and thoracentesis.


You may need a lung scan if you have symptoms of a blood clot in your lung. Symptoms include:

  • Fast heart rate

  • Trouble breathing

  • 胸痛不是你的心脏引起的

如果你的医生认为你可能有血凝块, 你需要做通气扫描和灌注扫描. 他们会一个接一个地做. If the ventilation scan is normal, but the perfusion scan is not, it's called a mismatch. 不匹配可能意味着你有血凝块.

You may also need a lung scan if your healthcare provider thinks you may have:

  • 慢性肺部疾病,如肺气肿或 COPD
  • 肺或呼吸道的肿瘤或其他阻塞

You may also need a lung scan if your healthcare provider thinks it will help determine your lung function before having lung surgery

Your healthcare provider may have other reasons to recommend a lung scan. 和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈扫描的原因.


放射性示踪剂的危险性很低. 在测试中使用的量非常小. 注射示踪剂时,您可能会感到轻微的不适. 对示踪剂的过敏反应很少见,但也可能发生.

Lying on the scanning table during the procedure may cause some discomfort or pain for certain people.


  • 对药物、对比染料或乳胶过敏或敏感

  • Are pregnant or think that you might be pregnant since the scan may not be safe for the unborn baby

  • 母乳喂养后示踪剂会污染母乳吗

你可能会有其他独特的风险. Let your healthcare provider know about all your medical conditions.

把你对手术过程的问题列一个清单. Be sure to discuss these questions and any concerns with your healthcare provider before the procedure. Consider bringing a family member or trusted friend to the medical appointment to help you remember your questions and concerns.

某些因素会降低肺部扫描的准确性. These include:

  • Having radioactive tracer in your body from another recent nuclear medicine test

  • Pneumonia 或者阻塞性肺病

  • 你胸部有结构性问题

  • 通风扫描面罩松动或不合适


  • 您的医疗保健提供者将向您解释手术过程. 问他们你对手术的任何问题.

  • You may be asked to sign a consent form that gives permission to do the scan. 仔细阅读表格,如果有不清楚的地方问问题.

  • 你通常不需要在考试前停止进食或饮水. You also usually will not need medicine to help you relax (sedation).

  • Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.

  • You may need a chest X-ray before the scan if you did not have one in the previous 24 to 48 hours.

  • Your healthcare provider may give you other instructions to get ready. 一定要照着做.


You may have a lung scan as an outpatient or as part of your stay in a hospital. The way the test is done may vary depending on your condition and your healthcare provider’s practices.

你可以做灌注扫描或通气扫描. 或者你可以同时做两份扫描. 如果你两次都做了扫描,一个会在另一个之后做.


  1. 你会被要求脱掉衣服, jewelry, 或者其他可能妨碍扫描的物体.

  2. 你可能会被要求脱掉衣服. 如果是这样,会给你一件礼服穿.

  3. 进行肺部灌注扫描, an IV line will be started in a hand or arm so that you can be given the radioactive tracer.

  4. The nuclear medicine technologist will slowly inject the tracer into your vein while you are lying flat on the test table.

  5. 示踪剂会在你肺部的血管中聚集. 技术人员将使用扫描仪对肺部进行成像. 在测试过程中,老师会帮助你摆出几个不同的姿势. This will let the radiologist take images of the lungs from different angles.

  6. 进行通风扫描, you will breathe in a gas with the tracer in it through a face mask or a tracer may be injected.

  7. 然后你会被要求屏住呼吸一小段时间. The radiologist will use the scanner to take images of your lungs while you are holding your breath. They will continue to take images while you breathe in the tracer for a few more minutes. 小心不要吞下示踪剂. 吞下示踪剂会影响图像质量.

  8. After the tracer gas has collected in your lungs, the technologist will remove the face mask. 当你正常呼吸时,示踪剂会逐渐离开你的肺部.

  9. 一旦扫描完成,静脉输液管就会被移除.

肺部扫描不疼. But you may have some discomfort or pain from lying still during the test. 这可能是由于最近的手术或关节损伤. The technologist will use all possible comfort measures and do the scan as quickly as possible to reduce any discomfort or pain.


You may be watched for a short time after the test for any signs that mean you are allergic to the tracer.

You should move slowly when getting up from the scanner table to prevent any dizziness or lightheadedness you may have from lying flat on the table.

You may be told to drink plenty of fluids and empty your bladder often for 1 to 2 days after the scan. 这将有助于清除体内的放射性示踪剂.

The medical staff will check the IV site for any signs of redness or swelling. 如果你看到任何疼痛,告诉你的医疗保健提供者, redness, 或者回家后静脉注射部位肿胀. 这些可能是感染的迹象或其他类型的反应.

You should not have any other nuclear medicine tests for the next 24 to 48 hours after your lung scan.

You may go back to your usual diet and activities as directed by your healthcare provider.

Your healthcare provider may give you other instructions, depending on your situation.


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