Provider using an endoscope in patient examination.
Provider using an endoscope in patient examination.
Provider using an endoscope in patient examination.


当胃肠病学家(治疗消化道疾病的医生)怀疑小肠有问题时, 肠镜检查可以提供内部检查和进入问题区域.

What is an enteroscopy?

肠镜检查是一种检查小肠(小肠)同时治疗问题的程序. This part of the intestine is over 20 feet long and just 1 inch wide, which makes it difficult to access. 胃肠病学家可以使用几种技术来进入小肠深处, including video capsule endoscopy, double balloon enteroscopy, single balloon enteroscopy and spiral enteroscopy. 气囊肠镜和螺旋肠镜合称深肠镜. 

Types of Enteroscopy

Double Balloon Enteroscopy

有时被称为推拉式小肠镜或气球辅助小肠镜, 双气囊肠镜检查是一种发现和治疗小肠深处问题的非手术方法. 它使用一根带有摄像头(内窥镜)的柔性管,摄像头被放置在一个更宽的管中. A gastroenterologist guides both tubes into the small intestine. Each tube has a balloon on one end. 交替给气球充气和放气,小心地推和拉, the doctor can gather up the small intestine onto the outer tube, one section at a time, 就像把窗帘系在窗帘杆上,或者把袖子挽在胳膊上.

压缩小肠的长度使内窥镜更容易到达小肠的整个长度并治疗问题. 胃肠病学家可以通过口腔(顺行入路)或结肠(逆行入路)引入双球囊装置。.

Single Balloon Enteroscopy

Single balloon enteroscopy, a simplified version of the double balloon procedure, uses one balloon instead of two. 这两种方法都被认为是安全有效的,用于调查和治疗小肠问题.

Motorized Spiral Enteroscopy

螺旋肠镜检查使用一种特殊的管,在内窥镜上放置一个旋转的螺旋, 当螺旋旋转时,镜镜可以在小肠内来回移动. 一个小马达附在螺旋上,这样医生就可以控制何时使用旋转装置.

Spiral enteroscopy works similar to balloon enteroscopy, but it uses the spiral instead of balloons to help advance the scope. 与球囊肠镜检查一样,螺旋肠镜检查可以深入小肠. 美国食品和药物管理局尚未批准螺旋肠镜检查在美国使用.

Video Capsule Endoscopy

推荐十大正规网赌平台吞下一个带有相机的药丸状胶囊后,小肠也可以被检查,当它通过消化道时,相机可以拍摄数千张照片. This procedure, called capsule endoscopy, can be used to examine the entire length of the small bowel.

Who may need an enteroscopy?

小肠检查有助于观察和治疗小肠的整个长度. Your doctor might recommend the procedure to:

  • Remove polyps in the small intestine
  • Diagnose or treat bleeding areas inside the small bowel
  • Stretch or widen a stricture (abnormal narrowing of the intestine)
  • 收集卡在肠道内的异物,包括用于检查肠道的胶囊
  • 当正常解剖结构发生改变时,取出阻塞胆管的结石, such as after gastric bypass surgery
  • 从小肠内部收集组织样本,在显微镜下检查(活组织检查)是否有疾病迹象
  • 放置支架(一个中空的圆柱体)来扩大或打开小肠的一部分


Preparing for an Enteroscopy

根据手术的细节,你可能需要在医院住一晚. But in many cases, an enteroscopy can be performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day.

准备的步骤根据你所做的肠镜检查的类型而有所不同. For deep enteroscopy, preparation may include:

  • 如果你的医生使用逆行方法(通过结肠进入小肠),那么遵循流质饮食并服用泻药或灌肠来清洁肠道。
  • 如果你的医生使用顺行方法(通过口腔插入内窥镜管),手术前12小时内不要进食或喝水。
  • 告诉你的医生你所有的处方药,如果你有过敏, and following the doctor’s instructions about if, 在做肠镜检查之前,何时以及如何服用处方药
  • 安排人开车送你去治疗中心,等你出院后再来接你, 因为镇静剂会让你开车或乘坐公共交通工具变得不安全

What Happens During an Enteroscopy


  1. 在你的静脉中进行静脉注射,给你镇静剂或麻醉剂,这样你就会感到舒适和放松, or completely asleep, during the procedure
  2. 将带有气球或螺旋装置的内窥镜通过口腔或肛门插入小肠
  3. 交替地给内窥镜尖端的气球充气或放气,或使用电动螺旋收集小肠壁并将范围移动到有关区域
  4. Observe images on a screen, as well as use X-ray guidance or fluoroscopy, to examine the small intestine and to locate and treat problems
  5. Use tools such as a forceps, 扩张装置或烧灼(热传导)探针来治疗现在可以进入的小肠深处

The procedure and preparation are different for capsule endoscopy. Learn more about this procedure.

Recovery After an Enteroscopy

After the procedure, 当镇静剂或麻醉的作用逐渐消失时,你需要休息和恢复. The doctor will discuss the results with you before you leave.


  • Sore throat 
  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Bloating or cramping due to gas in the intestines

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