


The COVID-19 pandemic has put many of our social and professional activities on hold, 包括暂时关闭许多舞蹈工作室和健身房, 强迫舞者在家里练习,没有适当的空间和设备. 舞者们准备回到演播室和舞台,约翰·霍普金斯 performing arts physical therapy fellow Monique DeLuca shares tips on how to avoid injury while resuming the training routine.

When you are back at the studio, keep in mind that it is important to continue adhering to 预防感染指南 在练习舞蹈时保护自己和他人. 这些指导方针包括 保持身体距离,洗手,避免触摸你的脸和 wearing a mask.


在较小的空间练习舞蹈动作, 比如在你的客厅里,甚至在你的阳台或门廊上, 有很多限制. 它减少了你的活动范围, 引入不平整的表面和障碍物, and usually makes it impossible to train with the same intensity you would in a studio. Not having a large mirror to check your moves also poses a risk of failing to notice and correct poor form.

This modified or restricted practice environment leads to a deconditioning of the body — the body slowly loses its tone and ability to perform the way it did before. “即使你一直在家训练, 你可能不会以同样的方式移动, 去条件化的效果将在大约四周内出现,” says DeLuca.

The body may become deconditioned regarding six physical skills that are important for a dancer — some as fast as one week:

  • Agility — 在舞蹈中从一个动作过渡到另一个动作需要非常敏捷.
  • Coordination — 一般来说,单脚旋转和跳跃需要很大的协调性.
  • Reaction Time — In a choreographed dance, many positional changes require fast reaction time.
  • Balance — 平衡是舞蹈的重要组成部分. 有些姿势,如站在一个相关的,严重依赖于良好的平衡.
  • Power — Dance elements such as petit allegro (jumping steps) require power to lift the body off the floor repeatedly.
  • Speed — Crossing the floor and other allegro-type activities depend on speedy implementation.

All of these components work with one another, so a decrease in one could affect another. 例如,没有速度就无法获得最佳反应时间. “这些技能都需要身心联系, so you need to be able to efficiently send signals from your brain to your muscles,” says DeLuca.

去条件化的一个主要部分是神经去条件化, 当你的大脑“忘记”你跳舞时发生的事情时. Practice and repetition help relearn these patterns until they become second nature, 比如骑自行车.



Our performing arts physical therapists Amanda Greene and Andrea Lasner— answer common questions and provide tips on dance injury prevention.



“It’s recommended to maintain some of your body's conditioning at home with modified dance classes about three to five days a week with two to three hours of movement, 以及每周三天的交叉训练,” says DeLuca.

当你有约会要回演播室的时候, 逐渐增加你每天练习的时间到你在工作室的平均时间, 对于专业舞者来说可以是6到8个小时. 一旦回到演播室, allow yourself a period of two to three weeks to get back to your normal practice hours.

Go at your own pace

重新调整你的身体需要时间,每个人的身体都是不同的. It will take some dancers longer than others to re-condition and be ready to perform at the level they are used to. “Research has shown that it can take about 12 weeks for an elite athlete to work back up to their previous level of performance after just eight weeks out of practice, 年轻的舞者可能需要更长的时间,” says DeLuca. “So be mindful of your body, as well as everyone in your class if you are teaching.”

重要的是要记住疲劳会导致受伤, 一段时间不练习意味着很快就会感到疲劳. ”It’s vital to have a period of rest — your body gets stronger on recovery/rest days, 不在培训日,” DeLuca stresses.

Creating a plan that allows for rest and recovery during training periods is called periodization. The goal is to prevent overtraining injuries by starting with a large amount of lower-intensity exercises and ramping up to fewer sets with higher intensity. This way, you are in your top shape before an audition or performance and can wind down for a period of rest afterward. “虽然舞蹈通常没有淡季, 冠状病毒导致许多舞者长时间休息, 还有充足的时间准备比赛和表演,” says DeLuca.



约翰霍普金斯大学表演艺术康复项目评估, 招待和教育表演艺术家, 帮助他们以自己的艺术形式表现出最好的一面, 无论是爱好还是职业.


当你恢复正常的舞蹈训练时, it is important to think about sequencing — moving from easier skills to more advanced skills. ”Think about the moves you haven’t done at all or not at full range because of the space restrictions — these may take longer to get back to,” advises DeLuca.

It’s especially important to not do too much too quickly when it comes to the moves that require a lot of power, like jumps. 在一个退化的身体里, smaller muscles will try to compensate for the lack of power in the larger muscles, which may lead to injury because the smaller muscles are not built to carry such strain.


There are three types of fitness training to bring into the workout that can help improve your dance conditioning:

  • Aerobic exercise focuses on cardiovascular conditioning, which may include running, swimming and biking. “The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 20–40 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity three to five days a week,” says DeLuca. The talk test method lets you easily recognize how difficult your workout is: Moderate workouts allow talking in short sentences, 而剧烈运动只允许说几句话.
  • Muscular fitness workouts 可以分为三种类型:耐力,力量和力量.
    • Endurance workouts use less weight with shorter periods of rest between repetitions.
    • Strength workouts require moderate weight loads with fewer sets and repetitions.
    • A power workout focuses on heavy weight loads with very few repetitions to set and much longer rest periods.

    Muscular fitness workouts can be done twice per week to maintain conditioning.

  • 肌肉骨骼的灵活性 workouts 专注于伸展和提高柔韧性. 拉伸有两种类型:静态和动态.
    • 在静态拉伸过程中,你保持一个姿势一段时间. 最好在运动后,当你的肌肉是温暖的.
    • 动态拉伸最好在运动前或运动中进行. 你做一个特定的动作来伸展关节的整个活动范围.

如果你在健身房锻炼,确保健身房也跟着做 CDC guidelines. 记得在健身器材使用前后擦拭干净. Keep your mask on, 即使你在锻炼, 保持身体距离, 与他人保持至少6英尺的距离.


Besides deconditioning of the body, other COVID-19 factors may affect performance. The pandemic has placed a lot of pressure on people and has caused not only a health crisis but also mental,社会文化,经济和 emotional stress.

“尤其是在艺术界, 许多人和工作都受到了影响,” says DeLuca, 所以一定要在你的舞蹈工作室和你自己和其他人一起检查.“虽然这可能不能缓解压力的原因, 它有助于创造一个关心和接受的环境. 与其他舞蹈专业人士交流, even virtually, 有助于减少孤独感, and you can gain a workout partner who can help keep you accountable and on track with your practice routine.

冠状病毒隔离后回到演播室| Monique DeLuca, P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S.