



当冠状病毒大流行开始时, 没有人知道有多少人需要在医院接受COVID-19治疗. 约翰霍普金斯医学院的康复专家 做了 知道, 然而, was that people hospitalized with COVID-19 would likely experience the same impairments as people hospitalized with other viral respiratory infections such as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 和 the H1N1 virus (swine flu).

“虽然关于冠状病毒还有很多有待确定,”他说 安·帕克,M.D., Ph.D., 肺病和重症监护医师, “there is also a lot that we already 知道 about recovery from a respiratory disease like COVID-19.”



复苏对不同的人来说是不同的, 但你可能会发现自己呼吸急促, 因COVID-19住院后的肌肉无力或疲劳. It is also expected that you might experience changes in thinking 和 remembering (大脑 fog or 认知 difficulties), 焦虑或抑郁.

A unique aspect to being in the hospital during the coronavirus p和emic is the lack of visits from your family members 和 friends. These visits are limited—if allowed at all—due to safety precautions around spreading the virus. 康复心理学家 Megan Hosey Mastalerz博士.D., 说这样的社交孤立会增加你焦虑的风险, 压力, 住院后的认知变化和创伤后应激障碍.

Regardless of the symptoms you may have after being treated for COVID-19 in the hospital, rehabilitation specialists can help you return to things that are important 和 meaningful to you. 你的康复可能意味着适应一种新的生活方式.

例如, 如果你经常感到喘不过气来或疲惫不堪, an occupational therapist can explain energy conservation techniques to make tasks easier, 比如坐着而不是站着准备食物. 如果你无法入睡或有抑郁症状, a rehabilitation psychologist can work with you to improve the symptoms through talk therapy. “We can help people learn how to live meaningfully with any persistent symptoms,Hosey Mastalerz说.

Ahmad Ayyad:在2019冠状病毒病后再次坚强

Ahmad Ayyad被诊断出冠状病毒之前和之后.

40岁的艾哈迈德·阿亚德(Ahmad Ayyad)在COVID-19几乎要了他的命之前身体很好. 他的医生说他身体健康, positive attitude 和 the support of friends 和 family are helping him to recover from the disease 和 the toll of 25 days on ventilation.


专家们继续研究从COVID-19中康复的人, 恢复时间可能受到先前存在的疾病(如哮喘)的影响, 高血压或免疫系统受损. 如果你有轻微的COVID-19病例, 几周后你可能会感觉好一些, while with a more severe case it may take three to six weeks or more to feel better.

如果你在重症监护室(ICU), 你可能会经历重症监护后综合症(PICS)——身体上的, 认知 和 psychological changes that occur after surviving an illness or injury that requires treatment in the ICU. “就像那些因其他呼吸系统疾病住院的人一样,帕克说。, 你可能会觉得这是生理上的, 认知和心理症状持续数周或数月.”

除了, Parker says the length of time it takes for your body to clear the coronavirus is uncertain but studies are ongoing to underst和 this better.


而COVID-19的影响仍在调查中, 研究人员发现它会影响 , 肾脏, 大脑.


Potential impairments after being in the hospital for a respiratory virus disease like COVID-19 include:

  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 咳嗽
  • 肌肉无力
  • 喉咙痛
  • 吞咽困难
  • 说话困难
  • 行走和日常工作困难
  • 焦虑
  • 抑郁症
  • 创伤后应激障碍
  • 认知障碍
  • 乏力
  • 压疮
  • 失眠



When you were in the hospital with COVID-19, you were probably treated for breathing difficulties. The medical treatments used to help you—和 the potential side effects of these treatments—are described below. One effect of all these treatments is muscle weakness due to prolonged bed rest in the hospital.


当你需要帮助呼吸时, doctors may place a breathing tube down your throat 和 into your windpipe (intubation). The tube is connected to a mechanical ventilator that pumps air in 和 out of your 肺. 如果你需要长时间使用呼吸管, you may receive a tracheostomy — an opening in the neck 和 trachea where a breathing tube is placed.

这两种治疗通常都包括镇静,让你更舒服. 使用呼吸管的副作用包括喉咙痛, 吞咽和说话困难, 精神错乱, 认知障碍, 创伤后应激障碍, 焦虑和抑郁.


如果你无法吞咽,因为你使用呼吸机或镇静剂, you may have a thin tube placed through your nose 和 into your stomach to deliver nutrition 和 medications. 叫做鼻胃插管, side effects from this treatment can include sore throat 和 吞咽和说话困难.

如果你在出院回家前无法吞咽, you may have a tube placed into the stomach through the abdominal wall to provide nutrition 和 medications. 称为经皮内镜胃造口术(PEG), 当你重新学习吞咽时,这个装置会留在原地.


You may be placed on your stomach to increase the amount of oxygen to the bottom 和 back portions of your 肺 和 to help clear respiratory secretions. 的副作用 倾向 包括肌肉无力和上半身疼痛.


在出院之前, 你必须身体状况稳定,也就是说不需要立即就医. A variety of specialists will check your progress in several areas before you go home, 包括走路和运动, 获得足够的营养, 呼吸和耐力, 沟通, 思考和做决定, 完成日常活动,如洗澡和穿衣.



一个物理治疗医师 — a medical doctor who specializes in rehabilitation from an injury or illness — oversees 和 coordinates recovery 和 rehabilitation in the hospital.

物理治疗师 examine your endurance 和 ability to move with or without an assistive device like a cane or walker. 这些专家与你一起工作,以恢复你的身体机能和力量. 他们也可以提供 呼吸练习 来帮助你康复.

语言治疗师 make sure you can communicate, swallow or get nutrition another way 和 breathe effectively. 他们还教练习,以改善吞咽和沟通.

职业治疗师 work with you on doing things like bathing 和 dressing, grocery shopping 和 doing laundry. 它们还能帮助你记忆和管理日常活动.

康复心理学家 和你一起把有意义的活动融入到你的生活中. “它可以缓冲抑郁症的症状, anxiety 和 post-traumatic 压力 disorder that can come along with a hospitalization,Hosey Mastalerz说. “我们还提供关于抑郁症症状的教育, 焦虑和创伤后应激障碍的样子,以便患者能够识别它们.在医院外面, these specialists can work with you on techniques to address behavioral or emotional concerns related to your recovery.


It can take time to adjust to life after hospitalization for an illness like COVID-19. 在约翰霍普金斯大学, you have a follow-up video visit with the post-acute COVID team to address any concerning or persistent symptoms. 大多数人受益于 门诊康复,是否通过 视频访问 或者当面,也可以 康复心理学 来管理物理, 认知, 与从疾病中恢复有关的行为和情感障碍. 这些缺陷很常见,而且是可以治疗的. 康复. 和 rehabilitation specialists can connect you to the right people to get you back on track.

You should also maintain contact with your primary care doctor or other medical team members to monitor any pre-existing conditions or to discuss any new symptoms.


当你在接受COVID-19治疗后离开医院时, 你可能会面临新的挑战, like 认知障碍 that lead to limited driving ability or loss of a job. Your family 和 friends may be impacted by your new needs 和 they may experience symptoms such as anxiety, 压力, 睡眠困难和抑郁.

就像你一样, it’s important that your loved ones stay in contact with their health care professionals on a regular basis to monitor 和 maintain their well-being.

本文的其他专家包括Nicole Frost, M.A., speech-language pathologist; Sowmya Kumble, M.P.T., physical therapist; 和 Holly Russell, M.S.,职业治疗师.


