Corporate Compliance

约翰霍普金斯健康系统公司合规部协助和建议所有员工-董事, officers, hospital staff, 以及相关或附属的合同工——关于如何预防, detect, and correct employee violations of the Federal, State, or local laws, or institution policy and procedure violations.


  • Protect our organization, employees, and patients.
  • 保持霍普金斯大学为人所知的正直.
  • 维持有效的内部控制,促进遵守法律和道德标准.
  • 促进预防、发现和解决非法或不道德的行为.
  • 鼓励继续努力做正确的事情.

Have compliance questions? First check out our compliance documents below. You can reach the Compliance Department by calling 1-844-SPEAK2US,或联系公司合规部代表(见下文)获取更多信息.

Additional Resources