Spasticity Clinic

患有痉挛的儿童在圣约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的痉挛诊所接受内科和外科治疗. Petersburg, Florida, 全国唯一一家集物理医学康复与神经外科相结合的痉挛门诊.

Why Choose Johns Hopkins All Children’s

我们的多学科团队包括儿科康复医学和神经外科专家. 当推荐十大正规网赌平台来到我们的诊所时,他们会在同一次就诊中看到两位专家. 这使得我们的专家和您的家人可以合作照顾您的孩子, 讨论孩子的选择,并实时回答你的问题.

对于那些可能受益于手术治疗痉挛的患者称为选择性背根切断术(SDR), we are among a limited number of centers that offer it. Johns Hopkins All Children’s pediatric neurosurgeon S. Hassan A. Akbari, M.D., MSCI, has deep experience in selective dorsal rhizotomy, 和推广这个手术的医生一起训练. 

Our Approach to Treatment in the Spasticity Clinic

In the Spasticity Clinic, 我们的医生对患有痉挛的儿童进行评估,以确定他们是否可以从手术中获益. 在约翰霍普金斯儿童医院进行的痉挛手术包括选择性背根切开术或鞘内巴氯芬泵.

痉挛是由中枢神经系统中来自大脑和脊髓的信号不平衡引起的异常肌肉紧绷. 它可能与大脑或脊髓损伤一起发生,通常见于以下患者:

  • Cerebral palsy (CP)
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic brain or spinal cord injury

Spasticity may affect a child’s ability to walk, run, perform hygiene or use their arms, and can prevent muscle growth. Spasticity can also cause bone and joint deformities. 对于患有痉挛的儿童,口服药物通常是最初的治疗建议. 虽然患者可能会看到这些治疗减少痉挛, 对于一些儿童,手术可能更合适.

These surgical treatment options include:

Selective dorsal rhizotomy

 This is a surgical procedure to treat spasticity. 在推荐十大正规网赌平台的下背部做一个小切口,切断一些向腿部肌肉发送异常信号的神经, which can reduce spasticity in the legs.

外科医生将电刺激每一个根,并确定是哪个根引起痉挛. 把不正常的根剪掉,留下正常的根. The goal is to help children move better and hurt less. 而特别提款权通常是通过去除多层骨来完成的, we remove just one level of bone, which results in fewer complications in the long term.

The best candidates for surgery are those who:

  • Have tightness mainly in the legs.
  • 术后身体和精神上是否能够参加强化物理治疗. This includes inpatient therapy initially.
  • Are motivated and able to follow instructions.

Potential (but unlikely) risks include infection, short-term loss of bladder control, and sensory loss.

Intrathecal baclofen pump

ITB泵将巴氯芬输送到脊髓周围的小空间. 巴氯芬使脊髓中的受体放松受影响的肌肉. ITB泵通过手术植入下腹部的皮肤下.

After surgery and discharge from the hospital, your child will receive follow-up care from our team, and rehabilitation services, such as occupational and physical therapy, to meet their individual needs.


  • 最初的两到四周的治疗将在住院进行
  • 手术后6个月:每周4 - 5次
  • 手术后6到12个月:每周3到4次
  • 手术后12到36个月:每周2到4次

Each session will be 45-60 minutes.

Meet Our Team

S. Hassan Akbari, M.D., MSCI

Dr. Akbari是佛罗里达州为数不多的外科医生之一,也是坦帕湾地区唯一一位同时提供选择性背根切开术和鞘内巴氯芬泵手术的外科医生. Dr. Akbari did his residency at Washington University in St. Louis, where he trained under Dr. 朴泰成在美国推广了选择性背根切断术. Dr. Akbari在伯明翰的阿拉巴马大学获得奖学金,并在加入约翰霍普金斯儿童医院之前在宾夕法尼亚州立大学开发了痉挛诊所. 他做过多次演讲,还培训过其他医生如何通过手术治疗痉挛.

View S. Hassan Akbari's Bio

Hassan Akbari, M.D.

James Chinarian, M.D.

Dr. Chinarian在约翰霍普金斯儿童脑保护科学研究所专攻儿科康复医学. He joined the hospital in 2015. 他的工作重点是照顾先天性或后天残疾儿童. Since joining the hospital, 他已经开始和/或参与了许多多学科诊所, including Torticollis Clinic, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Clinic, Spina Bifida Clinic, Stroke Clinic, Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic, Spasticity Clinic, 以及最近的肌萎缩症协会(MDA)诊所. In addition, 他的推荐十大正规网赌平台从婴儿期到成年早期都有各种发育障碍, 尤其是大量的脑瘫患者. 1989年从韦恩州立大学医学院毕业后. Chinarian完成了儿科和物理医学与康复(PM)的联合住院实习&R) at Wayne State University in 1994. 他在儿科、物理医学和康复方面都获得了委员会认证.

View James Chinarian's Bio

James Chinarian MD

Read inspiring stories about our patients


兰登大约1岁时被诊断出患有痉挛性双瘫脑瘫, 一种影响下肢运动和肌肉张力的状况. When his progress with physical therapies had plateaued, 他的家人在约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的痉挛诊所为他治疗. Learn more about Landon's story.

Patient Landon

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